Apple 3rd Gen iPod Nano Review + UK iPhone News

In our latest video installment we bring you more than just a review. We kick off with the news that Apple announced this morning, regarding the UK iPhone pricing, carrier and tariffs. Then onto the review of the 3rd generation iPod Nano. This tiny device arrived at Geekanoids on Monday and to say it is "impressive" is an understatement. How Apple pack so much technology into such a tiny device is amazing. Then squeezing the same number of pixels into the 2-inch screen as on the 5th gen iPod and iPod Classic makes for one of the best screens I have seen to date. Check out the video and enjoy!

Product: 8GB iPod Nano - 3rd generation
Price: £129.00
Note: 4GB model available for £99.00
Supplied by: Apple UK
Contact: 0800 039 1010