Here's something freaky & geeky for you. A fun challenge for Halloween or indeed any time over the next two weeks.
Below you will find a link to a JPEG of my face. The challenge is as follows;
1. Download the JPEG.
2. Print out my face (whatever size you want).
3. Make a video up to two minutes long of you or someone wearing the mask (be creative).
4. Upload to your YouTube account, with "Geek out with Geekanoids" somewhere in the title.
5. Put a link to - Check out - in the video description.
6. Tweet the video out & @geekanoids in the tweet so I see it.
That's it … after the closing date of 14th November 2014 I will choose my favourite video and award a surprise gift, which I am sure you will love.
Download my Face
Please note; Anyone can enter, any age, any country. No correspondence will be entered into with anyone other than the selected winner. The winner and gift will be chosen at Geekanoids discretion. There will be no cash alternative.